Factors to consider when planning an organic resource recovery facility and the environmental impact of HotRot technology :
A series of three documents about composting in general and its importance to the environment, the science behind composting and how HotRot's technology maximises composting efficiency:
The operation of a typical HotRot composting unit and the fundamental flaws in traditional composting that the HotRot design seeks to overcome:
How the HotRot system avoids the production of leachate:
The Global Composting OdourFree Guarantee:
HotRot installations around the globe:
Typical process flow charts:
Composting SSO flow chart.pdf – typical flow-chart for processing kerbside domestic and commercial (IC&I) waste
Dewatering process flow chart.pdf – this flow-chart illustrates the use of the HotRot CS dewatering systems with canteen or post-consumer food waste or other “wet organics”
Remote on-site composting flow chart.pdf – illustrating the composting of canteen food waste, paper and cardboard plus wood and dunnage, etc.
Sludge composting flow chart.pdf – a flow chart for composting biosolids or sludge with traditional organic bulkers.
Sludge synthetic bulker flow chart.pdf – a flow chart outlining the processing of biosolids or sludge using synthetic, re-useable, bulking agents.
Operating guidelines:
Documents outlining specifications for amendments and bulkers, HotRot operations and compost storage and utilisation:
External Resource Papers: